Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Spring Update

I hope everyone is enjoying the s-l-o-w-l-y climbing temperatures this week and thinking Spring!
Spring is always a busy time in 2nd grade...here's a bit of what's happening.

In ELA we are working on Unit 5. Unit 5 only has 3 weeks of sight/spelling words (we're currently on week 2). After we complete the 3 weeks of spelling homework packets, our ELA homework routine will switch. Your child will bring home two reading passages with questions each Monday that need to be completed and returned by Friday. This switch helps us working on our reading comprehension and fluency as well as gets us prepared for 3rd grade.

In Math we have started Module 7, Problem solving with Length, Money, and Data. We've started off this week looking at data and organizing it into picture graphs. We use a O as our picture since we want to be quick and efficient. After learning about different graphs, we will move into solving problems with money and measuring. Any practice your child can have at home counting coins or bills will benefit them!

At the end of this week we'll be talking about our State Research Project. Students will be grouped in 2's or 3's and will research a state and then prepare a Powerpoint presentation. SAVE THE DATE for May 11th at 1:45pm when we will present our hard work to you! This is a fun annual project that 2nd graders have been doing for many years now! They love learning about their state and becoming Powerpoint experts!

Other Classroom News:

We are in need of Emergency Snacks! Thank you in advance for helping to fill our emergency bin.

As the weather warms up, please continue sending in boots or an old pair of sneakers your child can wear out for recess-it helps reduce the amount of mud tracked all over the floor and carpet. We will continue wearing snowpants until the snow melts-we can hope the snow will melt away this week!

New share topics for the month of April are coming home today. Thank you for helping your child prepare for their share day.

Happy Spring!