Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Halfway Day and the Science Fair

Did you hear about Halfway Day? Yesterday was the 90th day of the school year-we're halfway through! We also discovered that not only are we halfway through 2nd grade already, we're halfway through elementary school! Here are a few pictures of us in our Halfway Day hats!

We also enjoyed touring the Science Fair and looking at all the projects our classmates did. I unfortunately forgot to grab the camera to get pictures of our scientists, but here's our collective class project! This was an experiment we did at the beginning of our erosion unit. 

Other notes:

Our emergency snack bin is very LOW! Please send in a box or bag of a (peanut-free) item we can keep on hand in case snack is forgotten one day. THANK YOU! 

We are plugging away in Module 5 and will be taking a mid-module assessment on Friday, 2/2. 

REPORT CARDS are coming home this Friday, 2/2. Please remember to sign and return the envelope. 

Your child will be bringing home a permission slip tomorrow for our next field trip on 2/13. We'll be going to the Landmark Theatre for a performance of "Click, Clack, Moo." The cost of the trip is $5.00. 

We do still have some parent reader dates open if anyone is interested-I'll fill the slots on a first come, first serve basis. You can email me if you'd like one of the following dates: 3/2, 4/6, 4/13, 5/4, 5/18 and 6/1. 

Have a great rest of the week! 

Monday, January 22, 2018


I hope 2018 is off to a good start for everyone. As I'm sure you can tell (or have heard) we jumped right back into the swing of things in 2nd grade! Here's a bit of what's happening:


We have finished up our work with Unit 3. This week (1/22-26) we will do some review activities and take our Unit 3 Assessment.
Did your child tell you about the new thing we do for Daily 5? Ask them to tell you how they get to choose what they do for their Daily 5 work each day!


Last week we took our End of Module 4 Assessment and started Module 5. Module 5 is a continuation of our work in Module 4, however we will work with 3 digit numbers. Many strategies were introduced in Module 4 and I've been stressing to the students to stick with a strategy they understand best. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions!
Also, I know some of the homework can get lengthy. The goal is for them to have some practice at home-set a timer for 20 minutes and whatever gets done in that time is fine to turn in the next day! Kids need time to play and be kids along with working on being responsible for their schoolwork!


Have you been getting updates on our science experiments? We've been having lots of fun exploring how wind and water can change the land and solutions we can use to help stop erosion from happening. Here are a few pictures of our experiments. Have your child explain what is happening!

We'll be wrapping up our work with erosion this week with a "design challenge." Your child will have to put their engineering skills to work to solve an erosion problem. Stay tuned!

Have a great week everyone!