Friday, June 1, 2018


Hello! Hard to believe it's here, but welcome to June!
Here's what to expect over the next 3 weeks:

ELA- We will be doing "Week 5" next week and will take a Unit 6 assessment the week of June 11th. We have been enjoying reading some chapter books together and "fine tuning" some of the skills we've worked on this year.  Unit 6 has had a main focus on cause and effect, fact and opinion, making judgments, main idea, and summarizing.

Math- We are wrapping up Module 8 and will take our assessment on Tuesday next week (6/5). After that we will do activities that help us review some of the skills we've learned.

Science- We're wrapping up magnets! Have your child tell you some cool tricks they've learned! Or ask them if they can "make a magnet."

Homework- I told the class today they will have a review sheet for homework on Monday (6/4) and they will get 2 more yellow ELA homework packets (week of 6/4 and week of 6/11).  Once their last ELA packet is finished they'll have no more homework for 2nd grade!

You may be wondering with everything finishing up what we will do with ourselves....the week of June 11th will be our "Theme Days" each day will have a different theme for the day! We'll have a lemonade day, pickle day, popcorn day, bubble day and ice-cream day!

Permission slips for our last field trip will be coming home next week. We will be touring the fire station, police station and town offices. We are asking for a $5 donation that will go towards the cost of transportation and our end of year activities (theme days, picnic, etc.)

Important Dates:

Tuesday, June 19th- field trip day
Wednesday, June 20th- 2nd grade picnice
Thursday, June 21st- FUN DAY- please send a hat/sunglasses and sunscreen. We will be in the afternoon session this year.
Friday, June 22nd- LAST DAY! This will be a half day of school. Stay tuned for dismissal times.

Whew-The next 3 weeks are going to be busy, crazy and most of all FUN! Here's to capping off a great year!

Friday, May 4, 2018

The beginning of the end...

It's hard to believe that we are quickly approaching the end of the year! We will be keeping the same routines in place until about the middle of June, when most things have finished up and we're anxious for some fun!

This week we took our ELA Unit 5 Assessment. Next week we'll start Unit 6 and focus on the skills of cause and effect, fact and opinion, making judgments, main idea/details, and summarizing. Weekly homework packets will continue coming home with 2 stories to read for the week, due back by Friday.

In math we will be wrapping up Module 7 next week, and starting our last module of the year. Module 8 focuses on time, shapes and fractions.

As of today, our Power Points are complete! We will spend next week practicing our presentations in order to be ready for our favorite audience-YOU!
The show will start next Friday, 5/11 at 1:45pm in the cafeteria to sing "Fifty Nifty," then we'll head to our individual classrooms to present our Power Points. They have been working SO HARD on these and are so excited to present their work to you!

The week after our Power Point presentations we will start our last Science unit of the year, Magnets.

Share Topics:
Starting next week we will no longer have assigned share days and topics. We will have share sign ups each morning and students can tell us any "news" they want to share with the class. They'll be able to share one time each week, should they choose to.

Just a few reminders now that the warm weather has finally arrived:
-Wearing sandals/flip flops to school is fine, as long as they have sneakers to change into for recess and gym.
-We are outside right at the hottest time of the day (recess is 11:30-12:00) so don't forget to put sunscreen on in the morning!

Thank you to everyone who has recently sent in snacks for our emergency bin! These spring days get busy and it's helpful to have extra on hand to help anyone who had a crazy morning!

We have two last parent reader spots available on May 18th and June 1st. Let me know if you'd be interested in either one!

Please email or call the school if you have any questions about anything coming up-I know these days get busy!

:) Mrs. France

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Spring Update

I hope everyone is enjoying the s-l-o-w-l-y climbing temperatures this week and thinking Spring!
Spring is always a busy time in 2nd's a bit of what's happening.

In ELA we are working on Unit 5. Unit 5 only has 3 weeks of sight/spelling words (we're currently on week 2). After we complete the 3 weeks of spelling homework packets, our ELA homework routine will switch. Your child will bring home two reading passages with questions each Monday that need to be completed and returned by Friday. This switch helps us working on our reading comprehension and fluency as well as gets us prepared for 3rd grade.

In Math we have started Module 7, Problem solving with Length, Money, and Data. We've started off this week looking at data and organizing it into picture graphs. We use a O as our picture since we want to be quick and efficient. After learning about different graphs, we will move into solving problems with money and measuring. Any practice your child can have at home counting coins or bills will benefit them!

At the end of this week we'll be talking about our State Research Project. Students will be grouped in 2's or 3's and will research a state and then prepare a Powerpoint presentation. SAVE THE DATE for May 11th at 1:45pm when we will present our hard work to you! This is a fun annual project that 2nd graders have been doing for many years now! They love learning about their state and becoming Powerpoint experts!

Other Classroom News:

We are in need of Emergency Snacks! Thank you in advance for helping to fill our emergency bin.

As the weather warms up, please continue sending in boots or an old pair of sneakers your child can wear out for recess-it helps reduce the amount of mud tracked all over the floor and carpet. We will continue wearing snowpants until the snow melts-we can hope the snow will melt away this week!

New share topics for the month of April are coming home today. Thank you for helping your child prepare for their share day.

Happy Spring!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

MARCHing On....


I think this Spring-like weather is teasing us this week! I hope everyone had a great February break and is ready to jump right back into things!

After a week of field trips, Valentine's Day, 100th Day, etc, we're jumping right back into things in 2nd grade.

In ELA we are on week 4 of Unit 4. We're working on the skills of compare and contrast, setting, plot, character traits, and theme. Our Unit 4 assessment will be coming up the week of March 12th.

In Math we've started Module 6- Working with arrays and laying the foundation for multiplication. This module is often a nice break after the fast-paced skills introduced in Modules 4 and 5. In Module 6 we focus on the repeated addition aspect of multiplication. It is great if your child understands the connection between 2+2+2 and 2x3, however knowing the multiplication facts is not expected nor required in 2nd grade.

In Science we've started our unit on Bats. Yesterday we took a poll to see who likes bats, who doesn't like bats, and who is still deciding. We'll see if we change some opinions as we learn more about these mystery creatures!

Other news:

BINGO & BASKETS is coming up fast! Our classroom basket is "Nerf Fun." Please send in any "Nerf" items or monetary donations to help fill our basket by this Friday, March 2nd.

Next week is our "Reading Celebration" week. We are collecting gently used books for a book swap! Your child can bring 1 or more books to donate anytime this week. Next week, every student will get a chance to "shop" for a "new" book to take home and read. Our week will entail lots of other fun activities centered around reading!

Our snack bin is in need of emergency snacks. Please send in a peanut-free item we can have on hand in case a snack is forgotten. Thank you!!

Enjoy the week!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Halfway Day and the Science Fair

Did you hear about Halfway Day? Yesterday was the 90th day of the school year-we're halfway through! We also discovered that not only are we halfway through 2nd grade already, we're halfway through elementary school! Here are a few pictures of us in our Halfway Day hats!

We also enjoyed touring the Science Fair and looking at all the projects our classmates did. I unfortunately forgot to grab the camera to get pictures of our scientists, but here's our collective class project! This was an experiment we did at the beginning of our erosion unit. 

Other notes:

Our emergency snack bin is very LOW! Please send in a box or bag of a (peanut-free) item we can keep on hand in case snack is forgotten one day. THANK YOU! 

We are plugging away in Module 5 and will be taking a mid-module assessment on Friday, 2/2. 

REPORT CARDS are coming home this Friday, 2/2. Please remember to sign and return the envelope. 

Your child will be bringing home a permission slip tomorrow for our next field trip on 2/13. We'll be going to the Landmark Theatre for a performance of "Click, Clack, Moo." The cost of the trip is $5.00. 

We do still have some parent reader dates open if anyone is interested-I'll fill the slots on a first come, first serve basis. You can email me if you'd like one of the following dates: 3/2, 4/6, 4/13, 5/4, 5/18 and 6/1. 

Have a great rest of the week! 

Monday, January 22, 2018


I hope 2018 is off to a good start for everyone. As I'm sure you can tell (or have heard) we jumped right back into the swing of things in 2nd grade! Here's a bit of what's happening:


We have finished up our work with Unit 3. This week (1/22-26) we will do some review activities and take our Unit 3 Assessment.
Did your child tell you about the new thing we do for Daily 5? Ask them to tell you how they get to choose what they do for their Daily 5 work each day!


Last week we took our End of Module 4 Assessment and started Module 5. Module 5 is a continuation of our work in Module 4, however we will work with 3 digit numbers. Many strategies were introduced in Module 4 and I've been stressing to the students to stick with a strategy they understand best. Don't hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions!
Also, I know some of the homework can get lengthy. The goal is for them to have some practice at home-set a timer for 20 minutes and whatever gets done in that time is fine to turn in the next day! Kids need time to play and be kids along with working on being responsible for their schoolwork!


Have you been getting updates on our science experiments? We've been having lots of fun exploring how wind and water can change the land and solutions we can use to help stop erosion from happening. Here are a few pictures of our experiments. Have your child explain what is happening!

We'll be wrapping up our work with erosion this week with a "design challenge." Your child will have to put their engineering skills to work to solve an erosion problem. Stay tuned!

Have a great week everyone!