Monday, September 25, 2017

In the swing of things....

I hope everyone is starting to feel as though they're in a back-to-school-routine! We're just about there with things at school. Most routines are in place, we're building stamina for Daily 5 activities and will soon be on our way!

This is our first "full homework" week. Homework books should be returned by Friday with the "have to" sentences and "can do" choices completed. Your child should be practicing all 11 words (6 sight words, 5 target sound words) during the week to be prepared for a spelling test on Friday.

Here are some highlights of what we've been up to:
Read to Self
In ELA we are continuing our review of short vowel sounds, this week's focus is short e and short o. We're also reviewing the blends st, mp, nd, sk, and br. We'll be reading the story "Curious George Says Thank You" and discussing story elements such as character, setting, and plot. We are also working hard to build our stamina for read to self and learning new word work activities.

In Math we've started Module 2-work with measurement. Today we discussed measuring with accuracy. As your child completes their homework, please help them check for accuracy!

Building Stamina!  
We're continuing to work on our classroom community, but will be starting our first science topic-buoyancy-next week.

As I mentioned at Curriculum Night last week, I try to update here every 1-2 weeks to keep you in the know!

Enjoy the week and keep cool!

*Picture Day is Wednesday, 9/27!